In these difficult times for our country, people, and every single family, we see the need to continue this ministry.
Please support us financially and help us through this difficult time if you have the opportunity.
Your participation in God's work is precious to us and is not in vain before the Lord.
A video about our ministry
Our ministry of Christian education in Belarus turns 12 years old this year. The Lord has sustained us all these years, but currently there are not enough funds for our immediate needs.
Financial assistance is needed for the following purposes:
- finish the current academic year 2024\2025;
- holding a summer camp for children and teenagers in June 2025;
- rent of premises.
We ask you to provide charitable (sponsorship) assistance.
To send a donation by check, write “1336” on the memo and send to:
Mission Together, 12472 Lake Underhill Road #242, Orlando FL 32828
Train up a child in the way he should go, And even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6)
The Only Evangelistic Christian School in Belarus
- The ministry of CSK Minsk began in April 2013 as Baby English Club, a half-day English speaking preschool.
- In March 2016, the preschool accepted their first students for the whole day, expanding to Giraffe Preschool.
- In September 2017, Minsk Christian School was founded as the first evangelical Christian school in Belarus, accepting children both from families of believers and unbelievers.
- Now we are one of only a few Christian schools and remain the only evangelistic Christian school in the country.

A unified mission between the kindergarten and school, with deep English learning from the beginning utilizing a bilingual approach.
- Biblical worldview—training and encouragement in acting and making decisions according to God’s Word.
- Conscientiousness — modeling exemplary practices that reflect a Christian ethic, responsibility to Christ, our school, and our educational community.
- Relationships — developing and maintaining partnerships with Christian schools in order to strengthen the ministry through communication and sharing experience.
- Creativity — we are always actively looking for and developing innovative solutions that drive the growth and development of our school.
- Service — we are in constant contact with families and offer resources, support, advice, and mentoring.

Differences between CSK Minsk and Belarusian Schools
Typical Belarusian School
Christian School
No individualised approach in teaching. No development of creativity or free expression of opinions.
Individualised approach in learning, training, and development. Creativity is encouraged and opinions are valued.
Students are trained for compliance and taking initiative is discouraged.
Taking initiative is welcomed.
School does not contribute to healthy socialisation of children.
Contributes to healthy socialisation, helps develop trusting relationships.
Soviet ideology heavily influences everything, from content to pedagogy. School is a channel of government propaganda.
Christian worldview informs educational decisions, granting freedom of political choice.
Large class size (30 children per teacher), means children cannot receive equal direct attention from the teacher.
Small classes (12 students per teacher), allowing teachers to interact with every child.
Minimal to no psychological help.
Focused and caring psychological help.
No spiritual education or training.
Spiritual training and education is a priority.

- We’ve established a good reputation in the community.
- We’re constantly developing and improving.
- We have oversight for accountability.
- We focus on development of the whole child.
- We make Christian education affordable.
- We create jobs as well as do evangelism.
As a parent of one of our students said: “I want my daughter to study in a Christian school and to be able to experience what we were deprived of in the atheistic Soviet school. I want her to make her own choice when she grows up."
Olga was an unbelieving single mother who once brought her child to Baby English Club. Now, several years later, she is a Christian and attends one of the churches in Minsk, where her son John goes to Sunday school and sings in the choir. She also joined the staff of our school as a professional trainer, and teaches gymnastics in the school and kindergarten.
Thaddeus was 5 years old when he came to Baby English Club. A few years later, his sister Emilia was also brought to kindergarten. Then his parents made an important decision: he became a student at Minsk Christian School. Through Bible lessons and teachers' testimonies, these siblings learned about Jesus Christ and His atonement. They shared the gospel with their families daily. Now their parents not only attend church, but have hosted house church in their home for a while! Thaddeus, Emilia, and their younger brother are studying the Bible in Sunday school and their father is baptized!
And these are just a few stories about God's work in Minsk!
Our mission is to change Belarus through Jesus Christ and the Gospel!
One child can affect the lives of several family members. In the future, these families may influence several more families and share the gospel with their friends.
We can only imagine how evangelical education can change the whole of Belarus, and how many people we can reach if the number of evangelical schools grows.

Evangelical Christian Baptist Union in Belarus