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Mission Together, 12472 Lake Underhill Road #242, Orlando FL 32828

We are the Güvens, a faithful couple who were born and raised in Turkey. We reside in Antalya and serve in our local church. I am (Hakan) 38 years old and I serve as a pastor in our church. I came to Lord twelve years ago and have been actively serving in church ministry for the past ten years. In these ten years I've spent in ministry, I've witnessed how God has touched the lives of those who have came to faith, and I've received abundant encouragement from it. Actually, I am one of those individuals myself. I used to live as an atheist before I found out about the truth that Jesus is the Lord and Savior. Since that day, I've been working to share this truth with other people outside. As many of you may already know, Turkey is a predominantly Muslim country. However, especially among the young population, there is a trend of moving away from all kinds of beliefs and choosing to live as deists. Here we are in the hard soil, trying to seed the seeds. We are grateful to God for His mercy and grace towards us and for the possibility to be His instruments in proclaiming the Gospel in our city. Our desire is to help provide an answer for the seekers and equip the believers so they can confidently and effectively share their faith.
And I am (Seray), 38 years old, and I have been a believer for nine years. I am a Turkish language teacher. Over the past ten years, I have been providing language instruction to our foreign brothers and sisters living in our country. My encounter with the Holy Bible and the Lord happened thanks to a former student of mine. God's plans are truly grand! I continue to grow in my faith and actively participate in translation and music services in our church alongside my husband. Additionally, I organize cultural integration programs for foreign brothers and sisters who are planning to settle in our country or have recently moved here. In this new geography, I assist foreign brothers and sisters in getting to know Turkish cultural traditions closely and teach them how to effectively communicate with Turks.

We invite you to support us, both through your prayers and financially. May God bless you. Thank you for your willingness to assist us and our ministry.