We would be honored to partner with you!

To send a donation by check, write “1033” on the memo and send to:
Mission Together, 12472 Lake Underhill Road #242, Orlando FL 32828

Our Vision
We exist so that:
Seekers and skeptics in Albania will find credible answers about the Christian faith.
Christians will be equipped to share their faith confidently.
Albanian culture will be saturated with the Gospel values.

Our Mission:
Sharing the Truth, Equipping Believers, Engaging Culture
Sharing the Truth – We provide a platform where every seeker and skeptic in Albania and beyond will have a safe place where they can ask questions and find kind and credible answers about the Christian faith.

Equipping Believers – We equip Christians in local churches to know and share the truth claims of the Christian faith with confidence and greater effectiveness.

Engaging Culture: It is our passion to see the Gospel saturate our culture. We aim to provide an articulate, intelligent voice for biblical Christianity on cultural trends with issues concerning what it means to be a human being and how to fulfill God’s purpose in the world.

Check our website for more info: www.ifce.al