To send a donation by check, write “1028” on the memo and send to:
Mission Together, 12472 Lake Underhill Road #242, Orlando FL 32828
We Serve in Mozaik Lushnje Church.
A church full of diversity and focused on Roma gypsy families in poverty.
In three years, we have seen God's transformation in the lives of the people that have declared Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Our goal is to see communities living in diversity, finding their identity in Jesus and adopting bible-based cultural values.
And through this vision, we have a bible study after school program for children who don't know to how to read and write. We also have classes for adults who also don't know how to read and write.
To help believers grow, we gather for church services with worship and bible teaching. We have a weekly youth program for teenagers. And we have small group discipleship groups to root believers in the gospel.
We are also helping a second church in the capital city of Tirana and we hope to plant a third church in a village near to Lushnje. Our dream is to have a movement of churches that targets under-resourced families in smaller cities.
Thank you for your partnership with us in the gospel. Your gifts will help more people to find faith in Christ, more churches to be planted and more stability for our family.
If you want to know more please let us know.
Sajmir and Irma Atijon