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Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Mathew 28:19-20
“Light for Albania” is a church planting organization operating in Albania. We received a calling from God to go and reach into the most unreached cities and areas of Albania. 6 pastors and missionaries joined together to accomplish the great commission here in Albania. Right now, we have 5 churches operating in different areas. Three of them operate in cities where have never been a church before like in Himara, Mamurras, Rreshen and Bulqiza, a Muslim city where have never been a church so far.
The organization is led by Besmir and Flora Pepmarku who at the same time are running a church, a day care center and a youth Ministry in Tirana.
This year we turned the church into a day care center where kids of the community would come every day for three hours into the church venue. We called this project “Future and Hope”. Kids would come and learn about Jesus and in the same time finish their home works and have a pace which they belong. It is a very good connection with the community, parents, schools etc. Most of the kids who attended this year were from muslim families. In the video below you can find more information.

Soccer Academy is another project of the church where kids from the community can came and attend our sport academy. Eventually we build relationship with the parents and kids and we invite them to church activities.

Our goal is to open churches in every city of Albania that is unreached by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to share the good news with everyone who hasn’t heard it yet. We are praying to go to unreached places with the project “Future and Hope” knowing that future and hope is found in Christ alone.
We are inviting you to join us as a partner in prayer, by supporting us financially, by being a child supporter of “Future and Hope”, by sending long and short-term missionaries who has got Albania in their hearts.
Sincerely In Christ,
Besmir and Flora Pepmarku