Mission Together :: Give Site

Bogdan and Eugenia Zubtsov

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Mission Together, 12472 Lake Underhill Road #242, Orlando FL 32828

About us

Hello, my name is Bogdan, my wife's name is Eugenia, we are missionaries in Ukraine.


I believed in Jesus Christ when I was in my second year at the university when missionaries from Campus Crusade came to my room in the dormitory. I had hepatitis C at that time, my liver was gradually dying, but a year after I became a Christian, God healed my liver without doctors and medicine, although the doctors said that in a few years I would die.

I told students about Jesus Christ in my dormitory, after a few years of our work their about 20 students believed in Jesus Christ and were baptized in the church. After graduating from university I worked full-time for 14 years in the student ministry of Campus Crusade in Kyiv (the capital of Ukraine) and Donetsk (East part of Ukraine where there is now occupation and war).

We met with Eugenia in a dormitory when we were students. She believed in Jesus Christ when missionaries from Campus Crusade came to her room. During the ministry with the students, we saw how the Lord used us, - we were able to tell the Gospel every week, conducted Bible studies with young believing students and helped to become part of the local church and actively serve in the church.

God blessed us with 4 kids: Stefania (2015), Tomas (2017), Lionel (2020) and Zlatan (2024). 


Starting from 2020, we finished working with Campus Crusade and started working at the Ukrainian Christian Sports Academy (UCSA), which was started and built by our friends and spiritual mentors who once told us about Jesus Christ in the dormitory.

UCSA is the first Christian Academy in all of Europe where through sports, education and medicine you can tell the Gospel and fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.

I worked with the players and their parents, and every night I had the opportunity to talk to the parents and look for opportunities to share about Jesus Christ.

Every Tuesday I conducted a Bible study with 9 coaches who are still non-believers, but very open to Jesus. During the week, I also met with each coach to infuse the Gospel into the life of the coach, and as a consequence into the life of all young soccer players.

My mission was that every child and family has the opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ and become his follower.

My wife and I also organized and conducted a Bible study group for young unbelieving families from a local church. During the week I met with different men to help them grow in Christ, study the Bible, prepare for baptism and raise future church leaders.

Eugenia sang in the worship group at church, and also held women's meetings on the topic of identity in Christ and spiritual growth.

Since 2022, when a full-scale war began in Ukraine, about 1 million refugees from the East and North of Ukraine have arrived in Kyiv. Local church currently has about 70 refugees whom we care for. People come to the service, they need work, they need humanitarian and spiritual assistance.



In 2022, Eugenia started homeschooling our children. It is a responsible ministry through which we pass on faith, values and learning to our children. Our dream is to popularize this type of education here in Ukraine and serve families who also dare to teach their children at home (in Ukraine, not so many people practice this type of education).

The years 2023-2024 were transitional for our family. We saw that the mission we were fulfilling at the Ukrainian Christian Sports Academy was coming to an end. We have completed the journey that God has prepared for us as part of this organization and see a new challenge in ministry for which we are already prepared.


In July 2024, we became part of the church ministry at the Peace House Baptist Church.
During the war, many people left for other countries, and new people, mostly from the eastern regions of Ukraine, began to fill the church. We saw a great need to work with families, both with uninstructed believers and non-believers.

In May, we joined the church's leadership team. We mentor young Christians in their faith, and I preach regularly.

Here are the types of ministry that our church is currently engaged in and what we are involved in:

- ministry to internally displaced persons - assistance through a fund with humanitarian aid and regular preaching of the Gospel;
- soccer ministry - about 100 children attend training sessions, where Christian lessons are taught every time;
- art studio - about 70 children who have lessons in drawing, needlework, carpentry and hear Christian stories before each lesson.
- a ministry for teenagers that I was honored to start and lead with the team.

Most of the children who hear the Gospel through the church's clubs come from unbelieving families. So we dream of sharing the Gospel and reaching the whole family while the Lord gives us such a favorable time and circumstances.

Because of the war in our country, there is a lot of pressure on families. Many men have been killed at the front, hundreds of children have been orphaned, and thousands of women are trying to cope with new challenges in life on their own. God created the family as an important institution, and we know that Satan is interested in destroying it and is actively attacking it.


Thank you for your prayers. Thanks for thinking how you can help and all your encouragement. We really appreciate your kind help.

Consider helping us with a one-time gift to serve people in Ukraine.
Also, we are constantly looking for people who can support our family every month.

Please consider starting to monthly support our family with $50, $100, $150, or $200 per month. It will be of great help to all of us. Every gift you give goes to the needs of serving people and the needs of our family. Thank you.

Bogdan and Eugenia, Stefania, Tomas, Lionel and Zlatan.