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Mark and Natalia Kadiasi in Ukraine

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We are an international couple, Mark (Albanian) and my wife Natalia (Ukrainian). I was born and grew up in Albania. In 2011, when I was a student, I gave my life to Christ. After that, when I was 20 years old, I started to serve the Lord wherever I could. Some of these ways of serving were: volunteering with CRU (a Christian organization that works with students), Sunday school in church, summer camps, youth ministries, etc. In those years I saw that God had put on my heart the desire to share the gospel because I understood that all these people around me were lost.

My wife, Natalia, gave her life to Christ in 2012 when she was a student. After she finished her studies, God called her to devote her life to the mission. She started her ministry in CRU and served with the Ukrainian students in Kyiv for 5 years.

Until the war started in Ukraine, there were around 80,470 students from around 158 countries, mostly from the countries that are forbidden the gospel. From 2019 until 2022, the Lord has blessed this ministry by starting in Kyiv and then in a few other cities like Vinnytsia, L’viv, and Uzhgorod, and before the war started, started to work for the city of Ivano-Frankivsk. During these years around 250 students heard the gospel in different ways. And at least 50 of them received a Bible in the language they understand. After the war started on February 24th, 2022, all the students left Ukraine, and many of the team members of the cities had a ministry with foreign students focused more on serving the Ukrainians.

 In 2023, the L’viv team adjusted the ministry by merging it with the Church, which is very encouraging for us. During this time, many students are coming back to Ukraine.

We believe that beyond their reason for studying in Ukraine, God brought them here to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ and change their lives. They can be a better tool in God’s hands for their family and countries than foreign missionaries.

 From June 2022, we started serving full-time in Albania/Pogradec with youth and Children's ministries. We are also working on a website with the good domain www.Krishterimi.al (which means Christianity.al), which will feature commentaries, articles, and books in the Albanian language. This is such a blessing for Albanian readers. 

As well, we continue with the English club, the youth ministry, where we are using the book "THE KING OF GLORY".

In 2025, we are looking at a new window, the ministry in the prison of women, which these last years have opened, and there are women from all over Albania, but even foreigners.

We plan as well to be part of an evangelistic online project. This project posts video content in the Albanian language and reaches people who need spiritual help. Those who text believers who are volunteering (one of them I am) and try to lead them in spiritual questions and connect them with a Christian community. This is a new project, which we want to be part of, is a project in many countries by CV (Christian vision).