Mission Together :: Give Site

Evgeni and Liliya Minin - military and students

To send a donation by check, write “1013” on the memo and send to:
Mission Together, 12472 Lake Underhill Road #242, Orlando FL 32828

Mission: to Connect the student community and military personnel in such a way as to build spiritual and multiplying movements in Ukraine, using only simple, creative and easily transmitted methods of spreading the gospel and spiritual growth.

I (Eugene) became a believer in the USSR in military school. I immediately began to read and preach the gospel. As an officer, I started going to a Protestant Church in the city of Riga. The military leadership did not like the fact that I preached Christ to my friends, officers, and soldiers. In the army, the persecution began, and eventually I had to go to the reserve. I moved to Nikolaev and served as the leader of a youth group in the First Baptist Church. Back then, I was a regional youth leader. I also preached in Church, taught at a Christian College, helped organize new churches, was offered a position as a pastor in one of the congregations, but was asked to allow me to organize a new Church. I received my blessing and started working. Since 1999, I have been a volunteer with Campus Crusade for Christ with my wife. In 2007, I graduated from the Evangelical reform Seminary of Ukraine. Since 2014, as an officer and a pastor I have worked as a chaplain in various Ukrianian military units.